Hey Bay Ridge bloggers! I know it’s been a hot minute but..... trying to get a blog up at least once a month. So I have a pretty important topic I’d like to discuss with you guys.
We‘ve hit a huge heat wave here in Southern California for the past few weeks. Not only is it hot and sunny outside, but the humidity can really be hard on fuzzy little beasties. This however, is extremely important discussion to have as week as keep in mind while we rest in the shade and AC rooms. We had alittle incident with one of our horses that had provided a new perspective when running a full 16-horse barn. First, automatic water bowls are great asset to have and sometimes take for granted.
We had made the mistake in relying on these automatic systems to take care of the horses hydration for years that the one time we did not check our horses dish, she has went almost 2 and half days without water. Sadly our horse had to struggle with having access to the available water dish for those days. We are so thankful that we were able to find the issue in time as well as fix the issue and get her dish up and running. We were scared on this situation that having this humid heat wave hit full on, the outcome could have been grave. From now on, our horses (rain or shine) will have a bucket in their stalls as well as more frequent automatic dish inspections to make sure this will never happen again. There is no blame place. We duly take responsibility for this huge mistake on being lazy and not checking. They say that we learn from out mistakes and that is true. But we cannot always think that way when working with animals. Because who suffers for these mistakes we make? I’m writing this blog hoping to inform and educate those who maybe made the same mistake keep this from happening. On average horses drink about 10+ gallons of water a day. A horse can only survive 4-5days without water in there system before traumatic damage to their internal organs become grave. SO...... please be aware of this huge concern and make sure your horse has full access to fresh water. This will help avoid severe dehydration or causing further damage to the livelihood of your animals.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and please keep those horses happy and heathy. Till next time, Happy fall!